Samantha Henning

Senior designer

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Recent work

Industrial loft reno

This industrial loft was in shambles when we arrived, and afterwards, it was not in shambles anymore. That’s good design.

Home renovation in Berkeley

The Dunlap family was proud to move into their newly-renovated home in Berkeley Hills — completed in just two months.

Oakland renovation

This whole-home renovation reimagines industrial chic while balancing the existing elements with modern flair.

New home in Palo Alto

Completed in 2017, Hayes Valley Interior Design worked with the Gregory family to build a dream home in Palo Alto.

Master suite in Burlingame

We worked closely with the Brilliard family to ensure their master suite renovation was exactly what they were looking for.

Richmond home build

We worked with the builders to ensure the Lambardts had a home they could call home, and a design found nowhere. Except in magazines.

My collegues